Armenian musical instruments part 1

Armenian music instruments are important part of Armenian culture today and during centuries. Armenians have [...]

Wishlist – New tools in our site

We are working hard to make the most advanced place to order world music [...]

Orestis Moustidis – I have my own phylosophy about music

We’d like to introduce to you a master, who we cooperate with about a year [...]

Workshop with Gevorg Dabaghyan

Gevorg Dabaghyan is famous duduk performer from Armenia. In this tutorial he show how to [...]

Daul Bendir 22 inches plastic frame drum

Introducing new Bendir made of plastic by Orestis. Big bendir 22″. Bendir originaly comes from [...]

How To Play Duduk

The duduk have 2 main parts: The body (barrel or tube) and the most important [...]

Dudukner Ensemble – Machkal

We would like to share the Dudukner Ensemble perform Armenian melody “Machkal” at Zvartnots, Armenia.

New Bendir 20″ frame drum in our shop

Large Bendir 20″. Bendir originaly comes from Middle. Widely used in North Africa (Tunis, Marocco, [...]

Camel – Frame Drum with Oriental design and professional sound

Today we would like to introduce Camel – Frame drum by master Orestis with professional [...]