Overtone flutes are a unique type of flute that produce an ethereal, haunting sound. They are often used in meditation, healing, and musical performances. These flutes have become increasingly popular over the years, and many people are interested in learning more about them. In this article, we will discuss what overtone flutes are, how to make them, and some famous master craftsmen who have made significant contributions to the art of overtone flute making.

What are Overtone Flutes?

Overtone flutes are a type of flute that produce overtones, or harmonic notes, alongside the primary pitch. When played correctly, the overtone notes can create intricate melodies and musical compositions. These flutes are often made from bamboo, wood, or PVC, and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are typically played using a technique called circular breathing, which allows the player to sustain long notes and create complex melodies.

How to Make an Overtone Flute

Making an overtone flute can be a challenging but rewarding process. There are several steps involved in making a flute, including selecting the right materials, cutting and shaping the bamboo or wood, and drilling the finger holes. Here is a basic overview of the process:

1. Choose your material: Select high-quality bamboo or wood that is free from cracks or defects.

2. Cut the bamboo or wood: Cut the bamboo or wood to the desired length and shape using a saw or other cutting tool.

3. Shape the bamboo or wood: Use sandpaper or a file to shape the bamboo or wood to the desired thickness and curvature.

4. Drill the finger holes: Use a drill to carefully create the finger holes in the bamboo or wood.

5. Tune the flute: Adjust the size and position of the finger holes to tune the flute to the desired pitch.

6. Add finishing touches: Sand the flute to a smooth finish and add any decorative elements, such as paint or carvings.

Famous Master Craftsmen

There are several master craftsmen who have made significant contributions to the art of overtone flute making. Here are just a few examples:

1. Erik the Flutemaker: Erik the Flutemaker is a renowned flute maker who has been making flutes for over 40 years. His overtone flutes are known for their intricate designs and beautiful sound.

2. Carlos Nakai: Carlos Nakai is a Grammy-winning Native American musician who is famous for his work with the Native American flute. He has also worked with overtone flutes and has contributed to the development of new playing techniques and musical styles.

3. Ken LaCosse: Ken LaCosse is an overtone flute maker who has been making flutes for over 20 years. His flutes are known for their exceptional quality and unique designs.


Overtone flutes are a fascinating and beautiful instrument that have captured the imaginations of musicians and music lovers around the world. If you are interested in learning more about overtone flutes or making your own, there are many resources available online and in-person. With patience, practice, and dedication, you can master the art of overtone flute playing and create your own beautiful music.

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