5 reasons to buy duduk from ethnictune.com

People ask: What is an Armenian duduk? We answer: The duduk is not only ancient double-reed [...]

Dap 20 Inches Frame Drum – Shaman Armenian

Large Daf – this instrument almost used in most cultures round the world. The particular [...]

Listen sound of vargan by master Pavel Potkin on Ethnictune video channel

The variant of Jew’s Harp presented here is called the Khomus (Vargan). This is a [...]

Andrew Masters – I found music that helped me root myself and connect with others through the universal language of music.

Today, we would like to present Andrew Masters from Root production, who produces several types [...]

Kharem Kamlakhar – Every performance is a fresh challenge

EthnicTune team proud to present our lovely friend, musician Kharem Kamlakhar, also known as “Pranam” [...]


Introduction to Armenian Folk Instruments

In ancient and medieval Armenia, as in Armenia today, Armenian instruments played a tremendous role, [...]


Special offer: Buy Armenian Professional for affordable price now and save a lot of money!

We offer Duduk Professional Armenian supplied with two reed-ghamishes and cases. The best choice for professional stage musician. [...]

Alert – Christmas delays of products shipped from Armenia

Dear Customers, We have received notification from Armenian Postal Service regarding delays of delivery to [...]


Marry Christmass and Happy New 2017 Year

Dear Customers, From Dec 23rd until Jan 9th we are in holidays. Of course you can order anytime in [...]