Apprendre à jouer du Udu avec JP Batailley

Pour débutants avertis ou ayant le sens du rythme, Jean Paul Batailley avec les udu [...]

Afro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra

Since co-founding the unstoppable musical style of Afrobeat almost 50 years ago, master drummer Tony [...]

Mike Bethel & Paul Witcomb (Riverman) – Sunday (Nick Drake)

Find out more about Mike Bethel here:

ETHNO WORLD 5 Duduk – Quick Tutorial

EW5 PRO & VOICES is powered by the KONTAKT Sample Player and contains more than [...]

EastWest Ra Duduks vs. EastWest Silk Duduk

Here is a video demonstration of the sound difference between East West’s Ra Duduks (Armenian, [...]


Workshop with Gevorg Dabaghyan

Gevorg Dabaghyan is famous duduk performer from Armenia. In this tutorial he show how to [...]

Daul Bendir 22 inches plastic frame drum

Introducing new Bendir made of plastic by Orestis. Big bendir 22″. Bendir originaly comes from [...]