About Armenian duduk

Introduction of Duduk In this article we will talk about Armenian duduk. The duduk and [...]

About Kamancheh

Kamancheh is one of the instruments with a long history in the East. Although the [...]

Old Armenian Notation – Khaz

Since ancient times, the Armenians had its own system of notation, which is called “the [...]

Meditation: Is there a good online resource for vedic/Hindu techniques?

If you’re interested in a more Hindu-inspired approach, kundalini, energy practices, or the combination of [...]

What is the hardest musical instrument to play?

Every instrument is difficult. Even the simplest of things like a frame drum or penny [...]


The term “Udu” was derived from a clay pot that typically resembles an ancient water [...]


Timpani are a type of drum and are therefore part of the percussion family. Before [...]

Origin of Persian traditional music

The history of musical development in Iran dates back to the prehistoric era. King Jamshid [...]


Armenian musical instruments part 1

Armenian music instruments are important part of Armenian culture today and during centuries. Armenians have [...]

How To Play Duduk

The duduk have 2 main parts: The body (barrel or tube) and the most important [...]